It lets me take pictures of things we don't normally notice. I like that!
These are just regular old geraniums that I have in pots on my front porch. I just love how fuzzy they are!
I chose my camera specifically because of it's macro setting was supposed to be great for a little point and shoot auto camera. I really love the bokeh I get from it too. It makes me happy!
Gosh, I love it when I understand all of the technical terms now..... macro and bokeh!! So cool, aren't they?
Great shots of those buds and flowers! I think I am actually going to post to my blog tonight - if I can keep my eyes open long enough to do it!!
Posted by: Dot O | 05/29/2009 at 08:20 PM
Macro is so cool! I think my new Nikon needs a macro lens to really do a good job, though. I can get so-so pics with the regular lens, but it has a really hard time focusing up close, especially if there isn't great light. Or maybe it's just user-inexperience, LOL! :)
Posted by: Pony Girl | 07/04/2009 at 12:31 PM