HES and Little E in the foundation of our house before it was built. The only photo I could find worth posting that was on my hubbies computer. Aren't they cute?
I am having technical difficulties. My trusty laptop has a worm and I have temporarily lost all my e-mails and pictures and well everything. It is a good thing I wrote down my password! My techy husband is busy trying to restore all of my settings and addresses and what not. What would I do without his expertise? Hopefully I will never have to find that out.
I had not realized how dependent I am on my computer. My blog and blog friends. I am able to access some of the blogs I read daily but not all of them. I have been using lists from different blogs to navigate around and find everyone. If I don't get to a blog and comment as I usually do this is why.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Happy Labor Day!
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