Our poor Tempest has an abscess in her hoof.
She is not a happy camper. When I dropped Miss H at the barn on Friday she called me back shortly after telling me that Tempest was lame. A dirty word in the horse world. We poked and prodded her and could not figure out what it was. After a while and about three other people who I might add are much more qualified.We figured out that she blew out an abscess on her right front foot.
After some squeezing and rearing and squeezing and rearing, and a chain added to the mouth. We got most of all of the abscess drained and treated with iodine.
It took 4 people to keep her quiet while she was being treated. Poor thing.
It wore her out, after we finished she got some extra peppermints. They always help.
Miss H turned her back out with her Homies. She was not wanting to go back out. Humm peppermints or friends?? Which would you choose?
Eventually she chose friends.
But not until she saw one of the boys on the other side of the fence. She is such a flirt!
Miss H was able to ride her on Monday. So she is doing much better, still a bit sore but better.
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