As promised I am posting some pictures I took the other day of my iris. Since I took these pictures 5 more have bloomed.
These flowers are such a great color. They look purple when they are all closed up but when they bloom.
They are the prettiest color of wine possibly a piont noir.
The centers, well they are so beautiful, with yellows and deep maroons.
They remind me of Georgia O'keefe.
Tomorrow I am off to Relay. It is an all night walk for the American Cancer Society. My support group team BCAUSE (Breast cancer and U support and encouragement) is the top fundraiser team for the even raising $6,785.13! I am the third highest fund raiser for our relay raising $1065.00! Thank you to everyone who donated to my cause. Every penny counts and I am very proud of my group and all that they have done to make cancer a thing of the past!
I will be taking lots of pictures of the event and will be twitting and Facebooking from the event. It is all night so I will be keeping everyone informed of all the goings on. There will be theme laps such as duck tape and news paper fashions. It sounds like we will be having a lot of fun!
You can click on my side bar to follow me on twitter. My twitter name is sprucehillfarm.
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