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April 06, 2011



Wow! It's so beautiful there :) Looking forward to reading more about your trip!


I'm so glad I was able to set it up for you! You (and your fam) really deserved a break.

It sure looks beautiful there and glad you guys had such a great and relaxing time!


I love the pic of you and the girls. You look radiant!
The pic of you and Julie is great too. I just saw it on Ree's blog.
Really happy you got to go and that everyone had such a great time.
It really does seem like a little slice of heaven on earth.


It is nice to see more pictures after just hearing you tell me about your weekend! I can't wait to hear more about it. xo, Sara


What fun! What a gorgeous place to visit. Glad you had a great time.


As soon as I saw that deck, I knew exactly where you were - fabulous! Glad you all had such a good time. Did you shoot?

Dot O

I am thrilled for you Sarah!! What a wonderful trip - You did two of MY favorite things - eat and rest!!

Welcome back to the east coast!


All I can say is 'Awesome!!'


My word, how awesome is that! You and your family definitely deserved it too. Talk about being the envy of almost every blogger out there! LOL!

I didn't realize Ree had a guest home. Nice to hear she is such a wonderful hostess. Seeing a glimpse into her life must have been very eye opening.

No family photo? That's too bad. What a view!!!


You know, as Stef and I drove home that night we wondered the same thing. Four cameras and no one took a single shot with them. If I hadn't said I wanted a pic of Josh doing the dishes I don't think any would have been taken. :)

It was wonderful to meet you. I can't put into words how happy I was to meet you in person. And I loved meeting your whole family!

Brother John

Great pictures. Trip of a life time. Can't wait to hear the stories first hand. We need to have coffee and discuss.

Barb Labine

I just read Ree's blog and I was so excited to see that you got to visit with her!You look great,and I'm so happy that you took on this adventure!I live in Minnesota,we own about 150 area's of farm land there,we rent the land out.Where my husband is from is a little town of about 600 people,a town called Argyle.It makes Ree's place look like they have mountains,we are completely flat in this part of the country.We live in a city called Cottage Grove,only make it up to Argyle,once a year,but love that small town feel!

Pam McGlone from OH

What a great opportunity for some very special R&R and good eats too! You and your family so deserve this! I met Ree at a book signing in Cols., OH in February and she is so delightful and beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your trip!


Oh, Sarah, what a wonderful trip and hopefully rejuvinating for your soul! I'm sure your days in the beautiful Oklahoma sun gave you some more fighten power!!!! Forget the odds, forget the chances, you are winning!! :)

M.J. Jacobsen

Good for you!!! You look great, and very relaxed. Can't wait to hear more!


Your blog is beautiful and so are you and your family! What a blessing you got to spend a relaxing vacation in Heaven on Earth. I am from Oklahoma and it is so nice to hear others say that they enjoy our beautiful state. I think a lot of people take it for granted. Blessings to you as you are going through treatment. I pray for strength, faith, and courage for you!


You look great in the picture's. it must have so beautiful out there, so glad you had a great time!


OMG. I didn't know that was you, Sarah. I saw the photo Ree posted with her phone last week. Stupid me, didn't even know.
What a lovely thing for a friend to do.
What goes around, comes around. And I'm sure, in fact I am positive - that you have kind things for your friends. So good to read this.

bird feeders

It is really amazing pictures.Peoples are looking so happy in these photographs.It was enjoyable visit.

stephanie harsh

This is so great. What a wonderful trip and experience. I'm glad you got the R&R.

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