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March 03, 2011


Stephanie Harsh

I love your positive thinking. I need some of it to rub off on me. ;)


I love the pictures. It is good to see your four footed friends.


What no more snow? I'll gladly share lol

Spring can't come soon enough for me and I love that nose!


Fight Like A Girl!!! You go get it!!! Sending all my positive thoughts and prayers your way!!

Samantha ~Holly & Zac~

I am glad to hear you have been out and about. We had a lovely spring day today here, it does feel so good to be outside with some spring air around you. I am so happy you are feeling good, it sounds like this chemo treatment is suiting you.
You keep kicking it's butt!


Hope your treatment goes well today and you continue to feel good. Spring at Spruce Hill, yea! Neat picts. We are still very cold and snow covered in the NW corner of SD.

M.J. Jacobsen

I can just feel spring! Love these pics, especially Arials' muzzle, too sweet!
Kick some cancer butt, and kick it good!

Blayne Beacham

Good luck today! I love those goats!! Super cute :)

Linda NS

You have daffodils popping up already? We still have 4 feet of snow!


My daffys are up, happy and blooming like crazy. Oh, and the forsythia is looking quite scrumptious as well. Keep on kicking cancer's butt. He deserves a swift kick!


Ruth Andre

Sarah, this may be an unusual request but would you allow me to paint your goats? I usually paint horses and cows but your goats are great!

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