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February 04, 2011


Dot O

That's when you wish you had a camera with you. It'd be so cool to have the image of him skipping, right?

Great news!! I'm thrilled. See you on WWF!!

 Brother John

Great news. I have a mental picture in my mind of your dr skipping and wanting to do some major cartwheels.

hilary cooper-Kenny

That's wonderful news.....I don't blame him, I would skip, too.


What a neat opportunity for your doctor to spread the news about a new chemo drug that is working. I'd be skipping too!!!!!!


...and shouting from the rooftop...wonderful news!!! Congrats!!!


I am new to your blog. I saw a link to it on the Pioneer Woman's site. Your pictures are amazing!
Hope you feel better and stronger each day after your treatment.
Stay Warm.

M.J. Jacobsen

Skipping, shouting, twirling!!! That's good news indeed!! Stay comfy and warm!

Elle M

My heart skipped a beat, hearing your great news!


Hi Sarah. I enjoy your blog. I'm a Mom with cancer too. Your photos are breathtaking. You have such talent. I have three kiddie too, and have been through bc treatment four times. I'm still here. Keep fighting, let your faith in the Lord comfort you, He provides for our every need. God Bless you.


Well, that IS lovely news--and a doctor who really cares--that is inspiring! Blessings to you!


Found your blog last summer and have been reading it ever since. You are an amazing woman. What Great news about your scans!! You have more people praying and pulling for you than you realize. :-))


I loved reading this wonderful news! I hope today finds you feeling better with more energy.

Reading your tweets up above, the BEP's are horrible, aren't they? Terrible talent this year, including Christina Aguilara (who used to be good several years ago). Usher, such a disappointment. Love his music too. I didn't know Glee would be on after the game! I'll be snoozing though.


love the visual! that is what i call "hope"


So happy to hear your good news! You're amazing! Big Hug {{ }}


Just keep skipping. Just keep skipping. Just keep skipping..... :-))


Yippie for skipping!! Yeah for you!! This is truly amazing news!! I too am skipping for you!! Let's all skip!!!! This is FABULOUS NEWS!!! KEEP IT COMING!!! Thank you God for continuing to heal this woman who is such a blessing to so many, please continue to do so! Amen!


I'm skipping for you, too.

Weekend Cowgirl

Great news! Have a Happy Valentines Day!!


I am very happy for you :)


Yippie for skipping!! Yeah for you!! This is truly amazing news!! I too am skipping for you!! Let's all skip!!!! This is FABULOUS NEWS!!! KEEP IT COMING!!! Thank you God for continuing to heal this woman who is such a blessing to so many, please continue to do so! Amen!

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