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January 17, 2011



They are having so much fun together!! This is why I think about adopting a second dog. Then I consider what an incredible handful my ONE dog is, and I kind of let it go for awhile...
Great pictures, as usual :)

stephanie harsh

I think it looks about even, too.

Oh, and that second photo? LOVE.

M.J. Jacobsen

They are so funny, what a couple of characters! Excellent photos! (of course!)

Two Barking Dogs

Cute! That is some serious bitey face going on there. It always looks and sounds bad, but when my two go at it, they seem so ferocious too! but I know they're having some serious fun, too!

Cell Block

Caught my eye from my visit to 'around the traps'. Brilliant photography. Well done, and quite the entertaining post.


Poor Finn almost lost an eye!

Amazing pictures, as usual!!


George feels so lonely after reading this!


Even human best friends sometimes get carried away and act like Cujo. No?


Laura Carson

Wow, your pictures are amazing!! I always try to get WWF doggies in snow, and wind up with blurs of indescribable somethingorothers. :) Very pretty!


Pets are one of the funnest things in life.

Thank you for sharing.

hilary cooper-kenny

They are sweet pups!!! What fun.

I Thought I Knew Mama

What a beautiful blog! I'm here for the first time and will now be following you. Wishing the very best for you!

(I found you via Pioneer Woman's blogroll.)

Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags

In effect, that not only do we see the world through a glass darkly but that this shadowy and indefinite view is as real as anything gets.

Ruth Andre

Oh these are darling photos!!!!!

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