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January 26, 2011



so glad to be one of your 'click of a mouse' friends


Sarah, You are my hero in so many ways. I love the hope you share with others and telling about your journey with cancer. I hope you don't mind but I had to share your blog post on my Facebook page. Hugs to you!


The amazing ability to see the beauty in the struggle. Good for you and I'm sure it has a lot to do with how well you are doing. My thoughts are with you.

Alice C

And you have inspired your friends from around the world with your beautiful smiles, courageous decisions and your determination to share the support and love of your family.
Sending you love. x


You have handled those years with such grace and dignity - we are the better for "knowing" you


so really are.

hilary cooper-Kenny

I have been following your blog for some time, and I am still amazed by you.
You are beautiful, You are an inspiration.
I pray for your complete recovery. Noone deserves it more.

Kathy U

You have inspired me with your courage.

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