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January 01, 2011


stephanie @

I finally got a smart phone this year, too. I love it. I read on it and tweet from it and it's AWESOME. I've become one of those people who picks up her phone as soon she wakes up. A bad habit, but well... no one's there to be bothered by it so who cares, right?

The only problem is that everything is too easily accessible. Like, music and books and games and stuff. It's way too easy to buy things. And that's bad for me. I'm an impulsive spender.

Anyway, I personally dig the hair. I only wish it had been your choice. You're strong, lady. You continue to amaze me. Wish you the very best in life and a fantastic 2011. :)


I'm not as technologically advanced as you are and am still in the dark ages because I only use my phone to talk and text. Gah!
My friend told me she couldn't wear a wig because her head was so sensitive during chemo and the only thing that worked for her were the soft scarves. She loved them.
You have a beautiful light that shines from within. I can hear it in your 'voice' here. Blessings for better health in the year to come.


Isn't being able to fly under the radar a blessing. People say that they won't/don't treat you differently or act differently, but they do. It is a strange thing to have to deal with isn't it. God bless them, they do mean well, but it is tough to deal with sometimes! You are so brave and strong, and look great with or without the hair! Continue to show the world your beauty ; ) I will keep you in my prayers as always!


You have more than enough techie stuff to keep you busy for a while....
and btw...I think you are beautiful...not everyone can carry off the "bald look" but you have such beautiful features that you do it in style!!!
Have a wonderful New Year...since you'll be kicking cancer out of your life this year!!!

hilary cooper-kenny

Would you email me your address????? I have woven some beautiful wide, bamboo scarves, that would be wonderful to wrap around your head, and face. I would love to send you one.
[email protected]


Congrats on all the new technology.

Sorry that you have to go bald again....I never did get used to my head hitting the cold pillow at night! I'm with you on the wig,too......wore mine for a month or two and never went back...indoors I was bald...outdoors I wore a hat (cause I was not good at the scarf thing...).

Good Luck - thinking of you often as I follow your new journey...hang tough....



Wow! You got all th tech tools at once. Watch out for overload. :) I truly wish for great joys this coming year for you and your family.

Elle M

Thanks so much for providing this wonderful blog. Your optimism is contagious! I look forward to keeping up with you in 2011. Wishing you all good things in the new year.

M.J. Jacobsen

You look beauteous! I have a smart phone now too, and I'm kinda addicted. So much fun!
Wishing you a happy, healthy, wonderful new year!


I tried on wigs a few weeks ago just for the heck of it. I found one that was white and LOVED IT!! But I had sticker shock when I saw the price and left it in the wig shop. Hopefully, if you decide to get one you can find a brand that at least won't be itchy.


Megan (Best of Fates)

I still don't have a smart phone - I'm starting to feel like a complete societal outcast! And good luck finding a comfortable wig, I like the sound of long and bright!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac~

It sounds like you had a lovely Christmas with your family. :)

I think long and bright for a wig sounds good, hopefully the next one, if you do get one will be much more comfortable.
Some must be as I know some people do have them just for a change. I used to see them on the shopping channel... loads of colours and styles. For people who just wanted a new look, so some of them must be more comfy to wear than others.

I know I have said it before but you really do look great with no hair, the main thing is you are feeling and looking well!. :)


Just found your blog thanks to The Pioneer Woman. I haven't had time to visit all around it yet but it looks like I will love it.

Wishing you the best. One of my sisters and I both have had breast cancer and are survivors. She went through lots of chemo and surgeries but it living a beautiful and full life now.

We are expecting more snow here in north central West Virginia. I love it and enjoyed the photos of your dogs playing in it.

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