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December 20, 2010


Dot O

I am thrilled you are able to enjoy the every day normal holiday stuff/preparation in between the chemo treatments and feeling not like yourself. You are always in my thoughts and prayers and will remain there.....

Love the Santa pups above!! How cute! My Christmas dog/kid photos bombed. They pretty much are all outtakes....


You'll be on my mind this week.

Expect something in the mail from The Great White North in the coming weeks—I suspect that with the Christmas dash, everyone is mailing everyone something, so slow is the new norm up here!

When I get down by things I have no control over, I try to remember what Charlotte sang to Wilbur, "Chin Up" and sometimes I find myself bobbing my head to the tune. But I don't always remember!

Hugs galore, gal.


So happy you're feeling a bit stronger...that is a good hair today, gone tomorrow...I understand it hurts to lose your hair but your life is the most important thing!!! Good and Merry wishes for a wonderful Christmas for you and your family and remember that you have a lot of friends in blogland praying for you!!!


I've been checking everyday and was soooo happy to see your post today! I know what you mean about the Christmas rush, I am caught in it myself, and am still doing my shopping!! How did I let it get so far away from me? Oh well, it will be what it will be. I think we have all forgotten that it is about the love of family and friends and the daily blessings. This year I found your blog and it has truly become a blessing in my life. I just wanted you to know that, and I want to thank you for taking the time to keep us posted on how you are, because even though we haven't ever met in person, I hug you in my heart, I pray for you every day, and I thank God for sending you to me to learn from you. May He bless you & your family!


I'm so happy you are feeling better and more energized! Energy is SO much more important than hair!!

Great photos - my favorite is the hat-over-one-eye shot. :)

Happy holidays to you and yours!


Good to hear you are feeling better and have a good attitude about the whole hair thing. I'm sure you're beautiful with and without hair. Happy Holidays!!


So glad you will be having a joyful holiday! YES... hide the cookies. It's hard for most people to keep their hands off of them

Sorry about your hair loss, but I'll just bet you look FABULOUS in a pretty scarf!


Alice C

Just dropping by to say Hi and wish you a wonderful Christmas with your lovely husband and beautiful girls. If you have any spare cookies can you send them over here because my son is eating me out of house and home.

I am so sorry about your hair - I know what a challenge it is to deal with hair loss but you know that it grows back after the treatment ends and you know how to look great while you wait for it. Keep smiling and everyone will look at your face and not your hair!

M.J. Jacobsen

Good to see you back, so sorry about the challenges you are facing right now.
Have a very happy Christmas with your family, and animals! Love the pics, they are both so cute in their hats!


I know you want your hair, but I want this cancer to be kicked in the butt! I'm sorry I haven't checked in for a while. I wish I could give you a hug friend. You are in my prayers. I'm praying extra hard this new chemo drug is the right stuff!

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