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« Back to the chemo chair | Main | Finny Friday, The Birthday Edition »

December 05, 2010


Really is a shame you have to go through the hassle with the insurance company.
Glad to hear you haven't had any side affects.
You're in my thoughts and prayers!


I just found your blog. The pictures are beautiful. I'm sorry to hear you're going thru Chemo. I'm adding you to my 'prayer box'. God's blessing be with you. Heather


Remembering you in prayer.

firefly hill


I am so sorry you had to go through that....I can imagine what a nightmare that was. I am glad they approved it! Glad you have no side affects...

thinking of you lots,


Alice C

So much unnecessary worry for you both - what a horrible experience.
I am so glad that you are safely back home.

M.J. Jacobsen

Too bad they don't let you know about these things ahead of time.
Glad you are feeling well, I'm sending good vibes!


insurance blows! just sending some calm and positive thoughts your way....



Praying for you that the next infusions will go quick and that the side effects continue to go easy on you.


Glad they approved payment in time for you to relax - at least a little! - before the treatment. And I hope you continue to feel well. I think of you often, and send good thoughts.

Farmer Gal

Well, I have to say that I am happy that you are feeling well, despite all the run-around you had to go through! It is good news that you didn't get stuck with the $10k.


Hate that you have to go through this. Hope the sleepy goes away soon and that you are feeling energized soon!


Weekend Cowgirl

Hope that you are feeling good and ready for the holidays. I hope you have the best time ever!

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