We had a wonderful Thanksgiving here on Spruce Hill. We had a house full of family, and lots of good food. It was such a nice weekend. The cousins enjoyed being together, and having a weekend long sleepover. The adults had a great time hanging out visiting, and enjoying what seemed to be an all day all you can eat buffet.
The week before Thanksgiving was a tough one for me though. I have had this cough for a while and last week had trouble breathing due to a pain in my ribs. The doctor sent me off for xrays and a CT scan to make sure I didn't crack a rib. The good news is that I didn't have a cracked rib, since then my ribs are better and I am breathing easier. When they did the CT scan however my Doctor found a new tumor in my chest that was not there on my last scan. I was due to have my next scan in three weeks. I am thankful they found it earlier. The chemo pills I have been taking for 9 weeks are not doing what they are supposed to do so we are switching my chemo.
So it's back to the infusion center for me. The chemotherapy drug that I will be getting was just approved by the FDA two weeks ago. I get my first infusion this Thursday, the drug is so new it isn't in the warehouse yet. It's due to arrive 10 days after it's FDA approval which makes it available to me by Tuesday. It's called Eribulin. Eribulin is a synthetic version of a compound derived from the sea sponge Halichondria okadai. As far as my doctor says I shouldn't lose all of my hair. So I get to hold onto that a bit longer. There are side effects such as neuropothy, anemia, and fatigue. There hasn't been a new chemo therapy approved for breast cancer in 4 years so this treatment is cutting edge. My doctor is really excited about this new treatment and we are hoping and praying that it will do the trick.
So it's back to the chemo chair for me two weeks on and one week off of a 21 day cycle. I shouldn't have too much chair time though because the drug is pushed instead of dripped. I'll be tweeting about my infusion on Thursday. Hope you can stop by and say hi!
My first diagnosis was in January of 2008, I was 41 years old. I was diagnosed with stage 1 triple negative ductal carcinoma. I went through 8 cycles of chemo and had a double mastectomy. I was diagnosed with a recurrence in February of 2010 after finding a swollen lymph node behind my collarbone. My Doctor is very positive and we are working very hard at keeping my cancer at bay. I am currently in chemo treatment and I find a positive attitude is key.
3. Kate and Christen asked, When did you get started in photography? Your pictures are so beautiful and they look like they come from your heart.
I actually started my love for photography when I was a kid. I had it as a 4-H project and loved entering my photos in the local county fair. I grew up with a dark room in our house as a teen and loved developing my own photos. I took photography in college as well and it was one of my favorite classes. I was a reluctant digital photographer, not really getting into it until about 4 years ago. Now I love the medium and find it really gives me something positive to focus on when my life can be so stressful.
4. Deb asked, My Mom has just found out this last week that she has breast cancer. She lives alone and several states away from the rest of the family. My sister and I are her only children and of course we want to do everything we can to help her. She is very independent and stubborn, and otherwise very healthy, but we don't know what all to do. What were the things you found most helpful to you while you were sick? What do you think was the best advice you could give to someone just starting this battle? We are also looking for any places that might deliver ready made meals for her to have on hand for nights when she just doesn't want to or feel like cooking, do you know of any? I know I have soooo many questions, but this is brand new for us, and we can use any and all help. Thank you so much!
I think the most helpful thing when I was going through my chemo and surgeries was people helping out with food. I have a wonderful friend who coordinated a meal schedule from the girls school and had meals delivered to the house for two days after my chemo treatments. That and the wonderful support I got from my friends and family was key. If she needs to go through chemo and nice big bag filled with things like a soft robe, nice pjs and some magazines and books and little things that she likes is a nice thing. I have a special bag filled with things I take to chemo with me, and it really helps the treatments to go smoothly. I hope she does well with her treatment!
5. Bonnie asked, Love your Q&A idea. So what I would like to know is what is the most important thing that friends/family can do FOR YOU???
We continue to pray for your Health, Happiness and JOY JOY JOY in each in and every day :}
Hope you know how MUCH YOU ARE LOVED and BY SO MANY!!
Thanks Bon! Really you all are doing it already. It amazes me how much love and support I receive everyday from my friends and family! Would love to seed you soon hope you all are coming up for the holidays!
6. Teri asked, Well, you know how nosey I am so here goes.
How did you meet your husband?
Have you always lived in MD?
Have you ever worked outside the home
I met my husband when I was a kid and was friends with his sisters. We were in 4-H together and went to the same camp. We were sweet on each other when we were 11 or so but did not date until college. I saw his sister at a party and asked her how he was and told her to tell him I said hi. he called me the next day and we went on a date and that was it!
I have always lived in Maryland, My family has actually been here since the 1700's. We have a lot of history here.
Yes My first job out of college was working as a paste up artist for a local news paper, then I moved on to graphic art and design in a small firm outside of Baltimore. When I found out I was having Miss H I quit my job and did day care for my God Son so I could stay home with my new baby.
7. Keri asked,
I like the questions above too! But what I really want to know is what is your favorite go to meal that is quick and everyone loves? You know I love your recipes and a few have become Otto Family Faves too!
I think my favorite go to recipes is a quick pasta meal that I make with sausage, diced tomatoes, penne noodles and chopped onion and garlic. Mix it all together and sprinkle it with cheese and salt and pepper to taste. It can be served right away or baked depending on how much time you have. It's kind of a home made hamburger helper, my kids love it!
7. Andrea asked, If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
I have never been to Europe. I really would love to go to Ireland, Scotland and England. I have family has roots in all three of these countries and I would love to see them. It has always been a dream of mine to go and see these places with my own eyes.
8. Betsy asked, Do you know what cousin rank we are? as in you are my___ cousin!
haha a tough one!
Humm that's a tough one I might have to ask my Dad on that one but I will guess 3rd cousins.
9. Vicky asked, What is your favorite thing to do with your family at home?
My favorite thing to do with my family at home is to just hang out, watch movies or TV. I love to hang out on the porch with the girls and talk and watch them play outside too.
10. Susan asked, What book have you read that gave you the most aha moments?
Humm what a good question. I have to say my favorite books are writen by Diana Gabaldon, call the Outlander series. I love historical fiction and these books are the best out there! I have read the series at least 4 times total and recommend reading them. They are epic sweeping novels that start in Scotland and end up in Colonial America.
11. Laurie asked, what is your favorite recipe to make and why?
I am not sure I have a favorite recipe, I love Italian food and go to those recipes first but I also love to bake. I love trying new recipes and trying them out and I am known for tweeking most of them to make them a little different from the original. I also love just throwing things together and just winging it. Some times it works out wonderfully and sometimes not!
Thanks to everyone for all your questions! I really enjoyed doing this and for sure will do it again!