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November 28, 2010



I will continue to keep you in my prayers Sarah that this new chemo drug does the trick and kicks the cancer to the curb.

M.J. Jacobsen

Hope this one does the trick, sorry you have to go through this again. I will have you in my thoughts and prayers.
Your Thanksgiving sounds so relaxing and fun! Ours was quiet due to the weather, just too much snow and ice to get around!


I sure wish you didn't have to go through so much. Here's hoping the new drug will work it's magic! Good thing you went in early for the scan!

Keep up the good fight Sarah. I'll be thinking of you.


You know how things happen for a reason? I'm sort of glad you had that breathing issue, otherwise they wouldn't have caught it as soon. And lucky you for the new drug!
My husband's chemo, Temodar, which he's not on at the moment because he's enjoying a remission, came out in 1999. Prior to that, everyone died from brain tumors because none of the chemotherapies could break the blood brain barrier.
You have people who love you ~ and I'm sure you never forget that. Luck be with you, my friend.

Two Barking Dogs

sorry to hear about your setback ... here's hoping the new drug does the trick and sends the cancer packing.


I know I'll be one of many that will be sending up good wishes and prayers your way for you through this next round of treatment. My Mom goes in for her mastectomy on Thurs morning and thanks to couragous women like you who have gone through this before her, there are new treatments and meds! So from those of us just starting this journey, we thank you and will always continue to appreciate you and pray for you!


Happy Thanksgiving, Sarah and family! I'll be thinking about you next week—I'm sorry about this new tumor.


Thinking of you...


This new treatment sounds exciting, Sarah. I've been keeping up with your posts and wishing you the best. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date with what's going on. I'm sending out positive vibes that this new treatment will do the trick.

!rother ;ohn

Will be praying for you this week. If we can be of any help, please let me know.

firefly hill

Praying for you Sarah...




I hope the new drug does it's job. My prayers are with you


Sarah - you sure have been through the ringer. I will be sure to add you in my prayers at church this weekend.


Hi Sarah. I came over to say Hello. Stephanie Coleman Chan shared your post with us on Facebook. I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this. I will think good thoughts for you.

Elle M

One more hurdle for you to overcome. I hope it helps to know there are so many of us cheering you on.


Thinking about you, Sarah! We love a cutting edge treatment protocol...


I'm visiting your site from a link on MWC. Please know that mothers in Sydney, Australia are pulling for you, too. Good luck!

Alice C

I am sending you my love to add to all the other love that your family and friends near and far have already sent and I hope that it keeps you warm as you sit in that chair.

Be brave.

Dot O

Sarah, I am so sorry to read this latest news.... Be assured that my prayers for you continue every day. I stop by FB just to check up on you too.

I will think of you and hopefully, if I have wifi access at The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania on Thursday, I can catch your tweets and tweet back with my iPod Touch!!

The new drug sounds like it has great potential!!!


Really hope this works for you.
Sending hugs & laughs & love


Thinking of you even though we have never met. I have a girlfriend that has gone through two bouts of cancer over the past 2 1/2 years. She just had another scan done so waiting to hear the results.

Happy Holiday, Sarah! Stay strong.



Damn. This is so unfair. That new drug better kick some ass!

Either way, I'm here for you, you know that. We'll tweet you through those chemos!




I hold you in my prayers.


So sorry to hear this! You will be in my prayers.

Amy | She Wears Many Hats

Big ((((HUG)))! Continuing to pray for you. So thankful they were checking on other things.

Is it this Thursday a.m.? I'll be there or be square sweet friend.

Amy | She Wears Many Hats

Wish I could be there in person but it'll be on Twitter!


You and your family will be in my prayers!

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net

I've had a few stumbling blocks through my treatment as well, but so far there has always been another good option for treatment. Here's hoping this is true for you as well. Best wishes.

Weekend Cowgirl

You are in my special prayers... I have two close friends starting chemo next week. You have such a great attitude and are such an fine example of a strong woman. Stay strong.

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