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October 22, 2010



i love the pics of yoru animals. you are a great photographer! thank you for brightening up my day. i always come and look for pics!


The only time my dog is invited to sleep on the bed is AFTER she has had a bath and BEFORE she has rolled in something that, in her case, is never just dirt. This is a very, very narrow window of opportunity.
It's a good thing they're so cute!

firefly hill

he sure is the cutest...



M.J. Jacobsen

The look on his face just melts me......what a cutie! I love your site, you are a very talented photographer!!


Ruby does this too. Rolls in something stinky and then it leaves the crud on her neck. Blech! Never fails is right! Give em a bath and they are right back in the dirt.
Hope you are feeling okay! Hugs to you!


Awwww! Mac love the grass and mud after a bath too.

Alice C

He is one Bad Boy - I think he knows that you love him and he can get away with it!!

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