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September 27, 2010


Wendy Hondroulis

WOW, so wonderful that you are feeling so great! Keep up the great attitude and bright smile! Happy Monday! :)

Lana @ Never Enough Thyme

So glad to hear that this new medication is working well for you! I had been wondering how it was going.


So good to hear!!! Glad you are getting to taste what you eat, and having coffee.

firefly hill

Great news about your new medication...




That sounds wonderful! Glad you are doing so well with the new medication. Here's hoping for more "sweet, simple things" as you quote in your banner :)

Dot O

Sarah, I am so glad this treatment is a bit easier on the body... I hope the subsequent cycles are not much harsher on you than this.


I am so glad to hear things are going pretty well. I've been checking on your site and praying you are doing ok.


So happy you had a nice weekend. I hope you continue to enjoy all the little things that make you happy! How nice that you got to spend some time checking out schools with Miss H, that must have been a good time.

The Vamp Tramp

Yay for feeling good! Hope that continues...

Alice C

You are amazing! Are you sure that it was Xeloda? Perhaps they accidentally gave you a pep pill because you did twice as much in your weekend as I did.


Chemo by pill? WOW, that's great!! Glad to hear it's going so well for you. :-)


Eileen Gamache

I have no idea how I found you today but here I am looking at your lovely blog and reading about your journey~ I was on Xeloda for 15 months and that was 8 years ago :) I am cancer free my friend..I was allergic to it at the same time and I simply took Allegra with each dose. I was also feeling "funny" about just taking a pill after infusions but here I am to testify!!
God Bless you in your journey and I will check in soon!!
♥ E


On another note.... I've always admired your blog design and layout, so clean and fresh looking. I used to have mine all white and am considering going back to this look. Can you tell me what font you use on your blog header way up top? I've searched for something similar and cannot find it. Thanks!

Hope you are feeling zippy today!

Donna S.

Yea!! Hope it continues going so well!!

Amy from She Wears Many Hats

What great news! I hope this past week went as smoothly. ((((hugs!))))


Thinking of you. Sorry I haven't been getting around as much lately. I hope you are well.


Whoohooo!! Awesome update. I'm happy for you!


So glad it's not making you really ill. Our nephew is on his 2d cycle now and so far he hasn't got a whole lot of side effects. Nothing major, that is. So hopefully the following cycles won't be all too bad either. Keeping my fingers crossed,


I am so happy that you are feeling so good. Fingers crossed for you here that it will continue and you will feel a lot better with this treatment.

Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. :)

Farmer Gal

That is wonderful to hear. Makes your quote at the top, about the 'sweet, simple things', really come to life.

By the way... I've totally fallen in love with Finnie. If you ever need someone to babysit him, please let me know. ;)

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