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July 12, 2010



Nice photos! Bugs are amazing.

I have to say that your opening lines made me chuckle...around here, some people I know (male people) really DO piddle around their gardens in an effort to deter deer. I have no idea if it works, or if it's just an excuse to pee outside - something which apparently retains its appeal!


I hate those! But they are pretty cool looking, aren't they? And when you squish them with your boot, they're green inside.

It was nice of you to not kill him. I am not nice, I think.

Spruce Hill

I have it on good authority that it works, the piddling that is.


I can't believe the detail from your camera! That is impressive :) And he is cute, I'm in the girls' camp; I'd give him a second chance!!


Bless your little humane heart!!! There will be more on your vines...they travel in packs...just don't tell your girls you're looking for them...
Wonderful photos and perspective...I usually squash them before I have time to look at them!!!

Ann Flower

I just recently discovered your blog and am so glad I did. What a sweet post!

tracey petersen

I hope your kindness is rewarded with a beautiful butterfly.


Those are some great pictures, even though he is evil ;)


Getting the manual out for my point & shoot cause I love your pics. Thanks for mentioning it.

Paint Girl

That is one cool little creature!! Too bad it eats tomato plants!


Hubby and I were just talking about these wormies yesterday. Have not seen any on our tomato plants yet and are keeping a keen eye out for them. They have such voracious appetites, don't they?


Maria Montague

Those are some gorgeous shots of a pesky little bugger! Gotta love macro.


wow, he's beautiful!

The Vamp Tramp

I'm not a fan of insects, but how can I not love this guy? He's got such a personality!

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