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July 26, 2010



So pretty! Your garden looks so healthy. Mine is pitiful.

Hope you're feeling well today.

Lana @ Never Enough Thyme

Aw...I just love the little heart tendril on the honeydew. So pretty. And I'm glad you're feeling good enough to get outside a little. Be careful, though, it's HOT out there!


yummmm...tomato sandwiches :) mayo and salt and pepper. that's what summer is all about around here! thanks for sharing!


Such refreshing pictures!

Firefly Hill

Your garden looks wonderful! Mine is pitiful this year...critters have gotten under the fence and eaten all but the tomatoes.

I hope you stay cool!




I'm jealous. My tomato plants are growing like weeds, but no fruit yet. Beautiful garden!


I want a veggie garden! Home grown tomato sandwiches are the best. It's gotta be fun watching your stuff grow!
Glad you're feeling better. It's been one heck of a hot humid summer.

M.J. Jacobsen

Beautiful pics, wish my garden looked so good!
The weather here in Washington state is just starting to feel like summer.......and my garden looks kinda pathetic! But I do have some lettuce, and our tomatoes are starting to grow too! Keep cool!


Thanks for coming out to play. Missed ya! Hang in there!


Oh how I love honeydew! Just bought some over the week-end and gobbled it right down. So sweet and delicious!



our tomatoes are almost ready too, I can't wait, nothing like home-grown toms :)


Yes! I see it. These are beautiful.

Even though I may be absent lately, I think of you often. Last summer was chemo for my husband.

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