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« A Blanket of Snow | Main | More pictures from the big snow »

February 06, 2010



I love your snow pictures! That little camera rocks. What kind is it?


My goodness, Sarah! Such stunning photos, I can almost hear the crunches and amazing quiet-snow sounds :) Thank you for that walk down memory lane! It's so similar to where I grew up. Hope you guys get out of it soon :) and that everyone is well.


too funny, I took an almost identical picture from our window with Margaret's camera (just like yours) today. It was so cool to see the snowflakes stuck to the windows. Great minds think alike!

Brother Coleman

That is what I call 'jump off the chicken coop' snow.


It looks VERY peaceful. Enjoy it. :)

tracey petersen

That is totally AMAZING! Your photo of snowflakes blows my mind as I sit in 30 degree Celcius heat.


Oh....gorgeous....tell us more about the lovely stone building! Stay warm and cozzzzzzzy!

Farmer Gal

I love these shots! And hey... I live in Minnesota and am so sick of winter by now... For me to say I love these wintry shots is really saying something! They are just lovely. That must be a great point-and-shoot.


What lovely snow pictures. I've always loved snow in the woods and that road winding through it is absolutely beautiful!

Bush Babe

The ruins in the snow TOOK MY BREATH AWAY! Wow... and with a point and shoot? Really?

Popped over from Kate's shout out - I was the other lucky snapper who made the day 2 list. I am a bit speechless.


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