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February 10, 2010



I just made the Butter Chicken from PW's site and now I'm seriously thinking about jumping on the Rice Pudding train and making that for dessert... maybe not today what with the rice going with the BC! But I LOVE RP. It really is a comfort food :)


Hi! I just discovered your blog, the rice pudding looks SO good! I'm sure I'll be giving that a try this weekend.

I read an earlier post about your dog, sorry to hear. I just got my first pup of my own this past weekend, and already I can't imagine if anything were to happen to her.

Samantha ~ Holly & Zac ~

Yum, looks delicious, i usually cheat and buy mine in a tin. I should actually make some one of these days.


My mom always made rice pudding when I was growing up and I loved it except that she put raisins in it. Now I make the same recipe but without those funny California raisins guys in it. I always sprinkle a bit of nutmeg on top. YUMMERS!

The Blue Ridge Gal

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