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February 17, 2010



Love Ariel's muzzle! It looks so extremely soft and warm, despite the snow around her! Have a great day today :)

Elle Bee

Love that velvety, smiling muzzle! Gave me a grin this morning. :o)


heh--heh....I know exactly who you feel and my two have been gone from the house for over 7 years! Now I am so busy and it's so quiet I don't know how I ever raised just two of them without going bonkers at times. But I do look forward to holidays and birthdays and BBQs when they are all over with friends and spouses and the "buzz" is back at my house. Enjoy your day, gal.

Pony Girl

Cute pink muzzle! :) Enjoy the computer while you can! I'm lucky I don't have to share....but when I visit my family I even bring my own laptop and plug into their ethernet, because my mom and dad are on their one laptop constantly, LOL! :)

Farmer Gal

I crave the quiet as well. Always have. Probably always will. My children are still to young to pirate my computer, but I know it won't be long before that changes. No!!! ;)


Love it when animals grin... One of my dogs does it often and it always makes us laugh.

The Blue Ridge Gal

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