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January 07, 2010



I can see that! Next month, I'll be planting an indoor garden so my harvest will be ready for the pickings come June! Maybe you could plant a few things and watch them grow?
How much snow are you guys going to get?


Thanks for the small breath of spring. We had 6" of snow last night here in MO and bitterly cold. You all stay warm and be safe! Happy New Year!!!


Don't you mean "I am so excited because my lovely angelic children will be home from school?"

Pony Girl

Love that 4th picture. I feel for you. I mean, I know I've been begging for snow, but we usually get it for a day or two then it's gone. But to have it nonstop, it probably gets a bit dreary and old. Spring really isn't that far away! For us, that usually means more rain! :) So I'm just going to think a head to summer. That is when I can ride, ride, ride!


Sorry 'bout the snow. Here in western Washington it is finally a gorgeous the mid 50's and NOT raining...NO wind. The last 3 days have been horribly windy, with gusts in the mid 30s mph. and yesterday rain got added to the recipe for misery. In between all that I had one of my miniature horses colicing and we spend many, many hours walking him, vetting him and worrying. He's OK now and I think the sunshine is the celebration.

Elle Bee

It's been a bit since I've been here--the new look of your blog is so lovely. Your African violets are beautiful. I haven't had one in years--I should get one to add some indoor color.


Your photography is lovely! I enjoyed visiting your blog today.

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