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September 09, 2009



Such a pretty horse! I lov ethe picture of her eye! It is so cool.


Aw - glad she is better! She is a pretty girl!


Poor girl. My Trilee had an abscessed foot last year. It is so wet here that it just wouldn't heal. We had to put a plastic plate on his foot to keep it dry. Couldn't ride him for months. But, it's all better now!

Elle Bee

Poor thing! I loved the close up picture of her eye. Beautiful. I'm glad she could be consoled with peppermints and flirting. :o)


Ouch! Glad she is better, though. A chain ... that must have been tough for you to watch!

Spruce Hill

It looked kind of funny really. She kept curling her lips up and making funny faces. It did not hurt her just made her not want to rear.


I'm sure they would hurt. Glad she's doing better now!

Paint Girl

I am sorry to hear about her abcess! They are so painful. I had to deal with one with Fritzy. It took a few days to realize it was an abcess, since I have never had a horse that had one.
Love the eye picture! Amazing!!


Aw, poor thing-peppermints and friends would do the trick in helping her to heal-I notice my horses' hooves are more 'cracky' this year, in spite of all the rain.

Five O'Clock Somewhere

Oh abscesses are a pain, but usually minor compared to all of the other things that could go wrong that make horses lame. Hope Tempest is feeling better soon!

Love the eye picture!!!


Poor little girl......nothing worse than a ouchy foot, in a horse anyway. I'm glad everything turned out OK. We have a small standard donkey who is ouchy when he gets the littlest gravel piece in the crevase next to the frog for a few weeks after a trim. So we pick those feet daily -- nothing like a donkey who doesn't want to move!


Your property looks amazing... so beautiful!

Hope your girl (horse) is better...

God bless-

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