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September 16, 2009



The cool weather... Gosh. I just love it.


i love the picture of the sunflower, sarah. are you doing yoga at home or at a gym/studio? I miss it. I used to do it when i lived in wisconsin. it was really relaxing and a good workout.

my (current)favorite thing about the changing seasons...sleeping at night with the windows open and the fans off.


I love your pics! You have quite a talent.

My favorite season is Fall. The colors bursting out ~ what a masterpiece!


Sadly there isn't much of a season changing in FL, but I do like the 2 months of coolness we get.

Elle Bee

Awesome photos! My favorite thing is the cooler temperatures (which have yet to come!)


Mmm, love yoga! Brian Kest is the best!

I love the sudden warm weather when it's been cool for a few days. Just that burst reminds me that summer wasn't all that far away.


Well...NOT the spiders who have decided to spread a web, at face level, in every square inch of the outdoors I walk through.

Hmmm....I guess the thought of the holidays coming up (yup, really) and time spent indoors without the obligation of fencing, mowing, weeding, etc.

Hilary Cooper-Kenny

Like you, I love the cool nights. I love the long shadows, the changing leaves.
This is my favorite time of year.
I see you have pokeweed, too.
Aren't they the coolest things to photograph???


Those pictures are awesome!!

Firefly Hill

I love the cooler temps and the colors! Have a beautiful weekend Sarah!



I'm loving the feel of fall right now in NC. I am just waiting for the pumpkins to start appearing! Come check me out at for a give away next week!


#1, the cooler weather..... summer's heat and humidity are for the birds... and the snakes... ack

#2, the colors..... did I mention THE COLORS?? Gah, I love it!

#3, the above two make me feel rejuvinated.


Samantha ~ Holly & Zac ~

Yay it works again....
i can comment..:-))

Lovely pix!

Have a great weekend. :-)

chocolate and whine

I love the cooler weather and the longer nights. Most everyone I know would prefer to have more daylight, but I love the nighttime.

I love the rain that we'll eventually get.

And the holidays. I can't wait for the holidays. It's just such a magical time.

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