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September 10, 2009


keri otto

good to know! we eat a ton of yogurt in our house! thanks for the heads up!

Pam Cobyn

Wow...I had no info about this hormone. I'm careful about using no plastic containers—threw them all away. If people realized what happens with plastic and a microwave they'd throw 'em away, too.

But in food? Yogurt? I didn't know. Thanks for the info!!! And I hope you are doing well...I really do.


Thanks for visiting my blog! Your blog is lovely, too. I agree with you about the rBGH issue. I'm glad that people are demanding it despite the stupid disclaimer they're forced to put on the package. :)

Elle Bee

Bravo! We've gone BPA free too, and thank goodness it has been an easy fix for us thanks to stores listening to consumer demands. More and more there are reasons every day to switch to a natural organic lifestyle. Way to go, and thanks for posting about this! Passing on awareness is so important because when we know better, we do better.


Oops! I am so glad I read this post. I knew about the growth hormones (was a vet student a long time ago) but did not know about the stuff in the plastic. I'll have to look at the Ziploc containers and such that I use for lunches and things.


Amy J in SC

I was aware of the BPA but didn't know about the dairy stuff. Good to know Yoplait should be safe now - that's the only kind my daughter likes.

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