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May 28, 2009



I LOVE the delicate pink peonies. They're so lovely to look at. The bee looks like it's just hanging out, taking a break from all its work!

tracey petersen

Gorgeous, and I love the new header too.


I adore peonies.

This was a post from heaven for me!


I can almost smell them! I love Peonies. Mine are still little buds. Perhaps a few more weeks and they will open. We are so much farther behind than your area!


Dang I can almost smell the peonies... One of my all time favorite flowers.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Firefly Hill

I love your pinks! I have white ones...and I should plant pink ones too! I just adore them...

I hope you have a great weekend.

Sally Stump

As you know these are my favorite (ants)and all I have had peonies in my gardens for ever,moving them with us from farm to farm to our current house. Love the picture of the lady bug!!!!


Just Fabulous!! I love the light pink...such a beautiful garden of color.


Peonies....love them. When I was little we used to call them the 'ant plants' because the flowers were just filled with them.

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