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« From My Garden, Peonies! | Main | Riding in »

May 31, 2009



Sounds like Arial is going to have a wonderful summer... I'll bet she gets lots of scritches where she going to.

The Blue Ridge Gal


What fun for her! It will be like summer camp for her. She is very pretty.


Awesome pictures! Love all the yellow flowers!


It will be wonderful for Arial, but I know you will miss her-just think about the lovely reunion you will have when she comes back home!


I love the first couple of pictures ... though they are all real nice.


What a beauty she is! Growing up as a young girl, I had a horse similar to Arial. She was part Arabian and had the same dappled coloring - her name was Dusty. Gosh - this brings back a flood a warm memories for me. All of your photos are lovely, Sarah...but my favorite is the first. Arial makes a lovely backdrop for the yellow flowers.

kritter keeper

thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog! i tried to follow you but nothing happened...different from the peonies post. your are awesome. my blooms aren't that big...probably not enough light. arial has such a sweet face!

Firefly Hill

She is gorgeous and I love her in the yellow...

Alice C

Pony summer camp! Lucky Arial.



Beautiful pictures of Arial.

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Awwww, I'm sure you guys will miss her!! Glad you get to visit when you want though and GREAT job helping those girls have a wonderful summer. I hope their pony is ok and not sick or something.


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