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May 12, 2009



I can't wait to plant mine now!!

Pony Girl

Wow, I have not heard of this. Very creative! I can't wait to see how yours grow! Yes, your hubby is very handy!

tracey petersen

Goodness me! Who knew it would grow standing on its head!?


My MIL received one for her birthday and she doesn't like it. I wish your husband lots of luck but so far he looks to be going in the right direction.


Great project.. Hope it bears much fruit for you.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Sara Streett Cook

I have heard a lot of buzz about them too. I am excited to see how they work out, plus the fact that you can get free buckets at Panera is crazy!


That is a great idea! I didn't even know what Panera was. We don't have those here in the west, but since my hubby and I own a restaurant, I have pickle buckets coming out my ears! Right now the bear hunters steal them to put bear bait in. Guess what the bear bait is? Old grease from the fryer that we use! Things sure are different here in this little one horse town in Idaho!

Spruce Hill

Wow that is interesting! I would have never thought of that. It is very different there in Idaho. You don't have Panera? Oh I love it there :)

My hubby loves buckets, anytime we can get free ones it makes him very happy!

Hilary Cooper-Kenny

Is the benefit of this that you can get away with no weeding? And keep critters from eating them? Or is there some other reason to do it this way.
It does look cool.

Samantha ~ Holly & Zac ~

Yay ... my pc is letting me post on here today! :-))

I have never seen anything like that before. I didn't know you could grow them like that.
It is going to be nice to see what your way with using buckets looks like when the plant has grown.

Very cool idea.

I hope you have a great weekend. :-)


You've given me hope! My tomatoes always fall victim to assorted varmints around here - maybe this is a way to outsmart them. Great tutorial - can't wait to build mine.


That's awesome! I especially like that you used a massive pickle bucket. Do you really go through that many pickles?

Your tomato plant looks great.


What a great idea - followed the link from 7MSN Ranch. I'm going to give it a try. Thanks.

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