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May 17, 2009



You sound so uplifted by this experience - I am so glad.

That quote at the beginning of your post is exceptional.


Amazing! I am at a loss for words right now! I have never been to one of these and wow, so empowering. Congrats on such success and beating your cancer!
Your daughter's little dress was perfect. Very clever!


This put a smile on my face and tears in my eyes all at the same time. I'm so proud of all you ladies! Great job.

The Blue Ridge Gal
(so happy you are here in this world blogging with us)

The Wife

That is just awesome! What a great event. I LOVED the newspaper dress. No way anyone could have beaten that!

Chocolate and Whine

Thank you for sharing this experience with us! I really enjoyed reading about.


Ah, the newspaper dress was genius!! Glad to hear that it was so inspirational!

tracey petersen

Well done to everyone involved. The newspaper dress is amazing.


Haha. Big E did tell me about the newspaper dress at the social. AWESOME! It was really fun, and I'm glad we came.

Paint Girl

What a great day! Thank you for sharing with us! Love the dress Big E was wearing! So creative!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! You have gorgous pictures and I will be back to see you!


A beautiful day!


What an inspirational day you must have had! Just reading about your day gave me such a warm and tingly feeling! Thank you for giving us a peek into your life!

Firefly Hill

What a wonderful day and night! Thank you so much for sharing it with us..


Samantha ~ Holly & Zac ~

That looked a fantastic day. Thank you for sharing it and well done to you all. It sounds and looks like it was a very fun day.

The newspaper dress was lovely, very pretty.


such a wonderful post, sarah. i loved reading all the details. what an amazing experience.xo.

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