Time to share more from our creek walk yesterday. There were so many pictures to take and so little time! It was truly enjoyable poking around in the woods to see what I could see.
We left off yesterday with fern fronds, So for Gin I will give you more curly ferns.
In the last week or so I have had several people asking me what kind of camera I use. I am very flattered and consider this a great compliment, I however have to admit that it really is not all me. I shoot all of my pictures with this. I shoot everything on auto mode, it is totally point and shoot. So now you know my secret.
The reason I went for this camera is because, I wanted to be able to take macro shots like these. Without spending too much money on camera lenses. My camera fits right in my pocket and I like it that way. I can also take regular photos too though I tend to like the macro setting the best.
I do however lust after a bigger fancier camera with nice lenses and a lot more shooting options. This camera is my first digital camera. I stuck to my art school roots for way too long and thought I needed a film camera to do this. Then I woke up and smelled the roses. I do have a nice fancy film camera I am thinking of putting on ebay soon. I will never go back.
Then we need to talk about photo editing. Until say about February all my shots were SOOC (straight out of camera) Now I edit my photos with Picasa and Picnik. I have not yet moved on to photoshop, It is a lot of money to spend and I am not quite sure which version I want. Any suggestions?
While in the woods I also found these little flowers. I think they are wild bleeding hearts.
They were everywhere I turned, I couldn't get enough of the pretty little lantern like flowers.
So now you know all my secrets. I hope I did not disappoint you!
Today Miss H and I took a little day to ourselves. Today was her last day of spring break. The other girls have been in school these last two days and I have really enjoyed spending time with her one on one.
I have lots of photos to share for tomorrow so stop by and see where we went!
Really lovely photos. I wish I could take that walk.
Posted by: tracey petersen | April 17, 2009 at 09:30 PM
Um, hello, why did I just go out and buy a digital DSLR if I could take that quality of photos with a point and shoot??! ;) WOW! I really like Canons (even though I bought a Nikon.) I use a little Canon p&s at work and have been amazed at it's macro shots, much better than my p&s Sony's macros!!
I use Picasa for editing, too, it's been great! I have heard of Picnik, but I'm terrified to download it! I had issues when I downloaded Microsoft Live Writer, it changed my toolbar and I had typing issues and had to call microsoft to have it removed. :(
I was also recommended "Gimp", it's free. I downloaded it and have played around and can not figure it out! It seems kind of complicated, but that is coming from someone who has never used Photoshop and I think it's more like Photoshop in complexity and options.
Enjoy your weekend!
Posted by: Pony Girl Rides Again | April 18, 2009 at 01:22 AM
They are beautiful - truly.
I have to say that I love my DSLR - and have enjoyed challenging myself to shoot manually. I do use Photoshop Elements but generally for only minor tweaking - it does the job for me!
Posted by: mary | April 18, 2009 at 01:43 AM
These ferns remind me of Maine.....when I lived there, everyone ate fiddleheads in the spring......
I am amazed that you use that little camera and get such amazing shots.......wow.
I just bought a Nikon D40, and while I love it, I will have to spend more money for a macro lens, and I will, eventually.
Congrats on your health news! Good to hear, and good for you!!!!!
Posted by: Hilary Cooper-Kenny | April 18, 2009 at 08:04 AM
I love my Nikon D40 digital SLR, it's awesome. I do think Canon point and shoots like you have are the way to go. I'm in need of a Macro lens but I'm learning I should have bought a D80 or higher. The auto focus feature won't work on the D40 or D60, I'll have to do manual focus. As for Photoshop, I would opt for the CS4 or higher. When you try to download editing effects from PW for ex, my photoshop 6 doesn't work. I think the picknik effects you've done look great and they are all in one step. With photoshop, you have to go step by step to get some of the same effects and it can be time consuming.
Posted by: Pam | April 18, 2009 at 08:31 AM
Hi Sarah,
I love the shots you are posting...beautiful! Even though you are using a point and shoot you should give yourself major credit. Not everyone has your talent and eye for subject matter, framing the photo, etc. It is not all the camera! I just did a trial download of Photoshop CS4. I have been trying to find the time to work with it!
Enjoy the weekend!
Posted by: Firefly Hill | April 18, 2009 at 12:48 PM
Up until Christmas when Hubby bought me my Canon Rebel, I was using a little Canon SD450 5 megapixel. I still use it on occasion, and it takes fabulous photos. As long as a person is not selling their photographs in 8x10 or larger size I think that the small pocket cameras can put out just as stunning a photo for use on the blogs
As for Photoshop, I wouldn't spend the money unless once again you are selling your work. My computer came with a watered down version called Photoshop Elements... still can't figure most of it out... DOH! You photos always look wonderful so why spend a bazillion bucks on Photoshop?
The Blue Ridge Gal
Posted by: Di | April 18, 2009 at 12:48 PM
Your shots are wonderful. The flowers are Dutchman's Breeches. I grew up in SW lower MI and we used to talk walks down to the gravel pit. Lots of these beautiful flowers along the way. Miss that, not the type of flower that grows in AZ. *sigh*
Posted by: Pam | April 19, 2009 at 12:12 AM
Oh my! Such beauty! Wonderful photography!
Posted by: Miz Booshay | April 19, 2009 at 11:04 PM
Oh my GOODNESS! The unfurling ferns are so precious! I can't wait until I can plant them out front!! Have pretty ferns that I can wave my hand in - disappear into their little soft leaves. Thanks for baby fern pix, they're so cute!
Posted by: gin | April 22, 2009 at 09:05 AM