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April 18, 2009



Great day for photo taking. Love all of the blue sky. I'm thinking of ice cream now.

Mark Famous

What was the antique shop? Jen's Dad works at one in Havre de Grace. He's a retired school teacher but not helps manage the shop.

Alice C

Oh dear - the British weren't very well behaved were they! We fell in love with the Chesapeake when we visited and hope to visit again someday.


Makes me yearn to live in Maryland again. Thanks for sharing.

The Blue Ridge Gal


HdG is the best!! It's so pretty there and shopping there is fun.

Gina at CTG Ponies

Sounds like an excellent day and the weather was perfect!


Just the kind of day I enjoy (ice cream and all), glad you had fun!

Samantha ~ Holly & Zac ~

Sounds like a great day out, a really beautiful place. The lighthouse looks lovely against that blue sky.


How lovely. I would love to see the East coast sometime. I have only been in the west. So much to see and I'm already 45!


my grandmother lived just across the river (in the condos on the river) in Perryville. your pictures are familiar and make me miss her. these were some of the same spots we visited during Thanksgiving after the funeral. did you visit the coffee shop?


So nice and I just loved the pictures you took in Havre de Grace. I will be traveling there this weekend to visit my birth family. I stumbled across your pictures and enjoyed reading your blog and your story. I'd love to know what camera and lense you used in hopes to capture some great memories as you did.

Thanks so much for sharing

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