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April 01, 2009



Happy Birthday guys! And oh.... fifty is nifty so don't let your sister make fun of you...*giggles

The Blue Ridge Gal

Brother Andrew

Great picture. Thanks for the birthday shout out!

Brother John

Which one is John and which one is Andrew?

I bet I know.

Spruce Hill

Yeah John is the one in the back and Andrew is in the front. What exactly are you doing andrew?


Good one.


oh i thought it was the other way around. i thought john was making the goofy face. happy birthday john and andrew! :)


Happy Birthday J and A! Who are STILL no where near 50! (That picture is awesome!)

Brother Coleman

Happy Birthday from the only Stump on the good side of 40 (for now)


Yeah for now!

Alice C

Happy Birthday to all the Spruce Hill brothers.

(When I started reading Spruce Hill I thought I had found a monastery because of all the comments from Brother Andrew, Brother John and Brother Coleman)

Sarah @

Happy birthday to your brothers! =)


What a funny story! I love the spring-like!


Happy birthday to your brothers. You certainly are a cheeky sister.

Mray Wolfe

Happy Bday from another Fool! I do hope the boys had a great day. My brothers always told me as the only girl, I was an april fool's joke being a girl. And for the record, you guys are closer to 50 than I am.

Samantha ~ Holly & Zac ~

Belated Happy Birthday wishes to your brothers.

They must have had some fun birthdays over the yars being born on that


Happy Bday Dad and Andrew

tracey petersen

Imagine that time before technology intervened and you could be surprised by the arrival of twins!

Pony Girl Rides Again

Happy birthday! They looked very handsome in that old photo, did someone make them those coordinating sweaters? :) My mom is an identical twin!

3d player software

Happy Birthday.. I like your picture which you share above. I really very impressed by that . You looking so cute.

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