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March 14, 2009



The cake looks delicious and is really pretty. Nice job Big E!

Kathy U

Best Friends - every girl should have one.

After 54 years Frances, my best friend, and I still know each other better than any one else in our lives. Miles have separated us but it has never mattered. We spent time at each other's homes, together we celebrated the good stuff and whenever we have needed to be together, we are there. When we were kids Frances's brother named us Piggy and Pugs. We have never known which one of us is Piggy or Pugs but we don't care.

My daughter is an only child and I wanted her to have a best friend too. She lucked out and met Amy in ballet class when they were 3. 27 years later they are still best friends.

Firefly Hill

What darling best friends! And that is a very professional cake...great job!

Happy Birthday Miss K...


That looks really yummy!!!!
Happy bday Miss K

Brother John

Cool looking cake. The next Food Network show is hers.

I bet it tasted great.


Looks like someone needs to go into the cake decorating business.. it's AWESOME!! seriously...

The Blue Ridge Gal


WOW, I'm impressed. Maybe Big E needs to look into culinary school when she's a bit older!


Fantastic looking cake, Big E! I'm envious of her ability to use fondant. I hope MissK had a great birthday.

Found your blog in PW's site, and I'm so glad I did. I'll be back!


Thank you for the recipe for the frosting. I never ever use canned frosting and am always looking for good recipes for something homemade. Not that I bake a lot of cakes! But when I do, they have to be good. This one is adorable with the fondant.


Forgot to tell you how much I liked your new header! Love those snowdrops.


Oh that cake is so amazing--and professional! I think Big E has a wonderful career ahead of her as head pastry chef! My cakes for the allotment cafe certainly pale in comparison... K x

noble pig

Very nice! Happy Birthday!


What a beautiful cake! I'm so impressed (and amazed) with her work.

Great job, Big E!

It's wonderful that you also have a friendship with Miss K's mom. How nice for the both of you!

Samantha ~ Holly & Zac ~

Hi, thank you for visiting my blog. I have had a quick peek at yours and found your Sadie...she is beautiful.

I will come back again soon for a proper look around though. It is very nice to meet you. :-)


I am very impressed!!! I love the number 13... what a cool day, 13 on the 13th!!


So sweet! The story of friendship is just beautiful and the cake....well....adorable!


that cake is beautiful! and making me hungry! :)


Thanks for the comments! There are many more recipes and cakes I am planning on sharing! I am also going to be a guest blogger on Spruce Hill! YAY!

~Big E <3

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