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February 18, 2009



Happy Birthday my old friend! If I weren't afraid we'd break a hip, I'd suggest an ice-skating party for old time's sake!


Happy Birthday Sarah... and you have probably written about it before but I am fascinated by those photos and your early childhood - and life on the farm - could you write about it again?

The photos are so great!!

Alice C

Happy Birthday Sarah! Every day is a celebration now. Enjoy yourself - you deserve it.

tracey petersen

I can see your adult face in the first baby photo. Beautiful. happy birthday.

Brother John

Happy Birthday. Great pictures, what a scream.

Brotther Coleman

Happy Birthday to my favorite Sister. To set the record straight, I am full of character and MOST of it is angelic.


Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Sarah!
Happy Birthday to you!


Happy Birthday Sarah!
beautiful from your first days.


Great photos! Happy birthday to you.


Sorry about lunch, next week will have to do. Hope you enjoyed that chocolate chocolate cake I heard about.

Bonnie Ogg


You don't know me. My name is Bonnie Ogg and I work with your brother John at Farm Credit.I am in the Frederick office and we really miss John, Pam and the girls. I do get to see John at least once a week now but Pam only occasionally and the girls hardly ever. My daughter Karen use to babysit for John and Pam.She started when Emma was just a baby or before. I ask John periodically how you are doing. I am so glad that things are going well. The pie looked delicious. Take care of yourself and know that you are in my prayers. Bonnie

Debra Rector

Happy birthday, sweet girl! May all your heart desires come true :) Thanks for the walk down (your) memory lane. It was fun!

Sally Stump

I just love the pictures, wonderful memories when I see all the pictures. Farm life was great for all of us. I am very proud of all my children. Lots of love.


A belated happy birthday and thank you for sharing the pictures. I am 42 and I remember those little plaid dresses!!! I didn't grow up on a "farm" with animals, but did grow up in the country with lots of garden planted. I loved it... This took me back...


This is absolutely adorable! Wish I knew how to get old photographs in my blog but I don't have a scanner. Ah, well.

Roxanne (Benjovsky) McClanahan

LOVE these pics, particularly the one @ the top (it's tops). Thanks for sharing, Savah!


You look the same then and now!! very cute.

Happy Birthday, and may you enjoy happiness always.

Caffienated Cowgirl

Sorry...I'm just catching up on reading posts...but Happy (belated) Birthday! Another great February birthday - mine was last week :)

Rivka with a capital A

This is a beautiful post!!

I am only 7 days older than you!!

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