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« It's My Birthday..... | Main | My Little Brother Is Now A Blogger! »

February 20, 2009



So so good and thank you so much for this.

Of course I want more!!! What were the seasons like, what did you produce, did your Mum have any favourite recipes?

Was farming in your family?

That barn and that pond! Fantastic!

Brother Coleman

My biggest Pond memory is when I caught BB (the cat) on a back cast of my fly rod. As I recall he was not very happy about it. As for John's broken arm I'm pretty sure that happened on my Birthday either 9th or 10th. Great pic of the pond. I can't look at the other picture and regret the day I went back and saw how they had messed up the place.


I'm sure given the chance the less flattery parts of the fishing story might get posted by one of the two brothers, we'll have to wait and see. Not to be my job though!

Andrew Stump

The old pictures bring back a ton of memories. We all spent a lot of time at the pond, fishing, frog hunting, and shooting.

Brother Andrew

Sally Stump

What about the camp outs?

brother John

Yes, the fishing. Great fun and lots of great childhood memories. At times, we would run out of worms and when we ran out of bait, we would have to improvise. Sarah would hold down the fish (with her bare feet)and insert the fish hook into the eye of the fish and yank the fish eye balls out. The fish eyes worked great for bait. We also feed the fresh cut bull testicles to our family dogs, Ben, Liz and Bird. Lots of other wonderful memories of growing up on the farm.


Oh, what a cool post! Loved it.

Hey, tomatoes are important. He wasn't bleeding, so it's all cool. Ha!!

Sarah S.

Just for the record it was the boys that started the eye thing. I held them with my hands not my bare foot :) Were else would I learn a gross thing like that? I was a young and innocent girl among three not so innocent boys!


What about how we had to pull our feet up really quick when we jumped off the dock so we didn't "break the mud"? Bwa ha ha ha!

And don't feel bad Mrs. Stump, I let Reese go 2 weeks with a broken arm...the ER docs kept thinking I was getting the date wrong when I answered "when did the injury occur?"

Annie : )

The house is now white?!?!?! That's so sad. I loved the red brick house. I love your farm story, Sarah. Plus another thing to add about the pond, we always threw our Easter eggs out there after finding them. : )


I love seeing pictures of the house and hearing stories of life back then. Brings back fond memories of childhood. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait for part II.

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