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December 15, 2008



You go girl. John will love the embarrassment I'm sure. On the last pic, I thought it was the hearth too, but look again, you are sitting on the coffee table that is in the living room now, good thing you didn't fall, it's a little higher off the ground than a hearth...

Sarah S.

You are right it is the coffee table! now that I think about it there was no hearth in that house.


I love them! You all were some precious little pot pies!


I love looking at other people's photos - and these are all so loving!

Brother John

Paybacks are hell.


Ajax. Ha!!

Firefly Hill

Very cute photos!! The donkey looks just like our Juice Box aka Juicy...
you all are so cute!

Brother Andrew

Great pictures. Can you email me a copies of the pictures. Brings back lots of memories.


You guys have not aged a bit....


Brother Coleman

OF COURSE I looked young an innocent. I still am. Can't believe you did not give "Ajax the Assjack"'s full name.


because Coleman, this is a FAMILY blog. lol. and youre not that innocent. lol cute pics sarah! :)


My brother and I(and our three cousins) had pooh jammies too(red, royal blue, yellow and light blue)!!! We've got lots of pics of us all goofing off at my grandparents home when I was about 7(I'm the oldest of the 5 grandkids on my dad's side). Wish it wasn't so late, I'd call my mom to bring them when they leave tomorrow for our house so I could scan them at my hubby's office on his new multi-function thingie.

LOVE Ajax's full name, that sounds like a name from our family.LOL


Carrie Davis

I love the photo with your donkey!!! I should go find the photo of me with my pony.

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