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November 04, 2008



aww em did a great job with her cell project. mine didnt look cool like that. i had food but mine looked kinda gross really lol. good luck! =]

Alice C

HES - you look just fantastic in that dress with your hair done so beautifully. I am sure that your Mom and Dad nearly burst with pride!


H does look VERY pretty. However, I would like to stand up for some of those homecoming dresses...or at least that lavendar one you wore to prom one year. Remember the year I wore the plaid taffetta skirt??? Plaid???? Wha????

Sarah S.

I might have to dig some of those pictures out, scan them and do a photo montage! :)


Formals! Getting ready was half the fun! Hope she had a fun night! She looks so pretty...What I remember you did too SS! I think we need to see that photo montage. Time flies doesn't it? This is my hubby's 25th Fallston HS reunion weekend...25 years? No way!

Big E

I DID GET AN A+!!!!!!!!!!!

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