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May 15, 2008



I totally understand. I have a wig that everyone said I looked great in, but I just didn't like wearing it. I saw my face with someone else's hair and it didn't seem authentic so I've been wearing scarves and hats exclusively. They feel like ME.

Yep, go with what you're comfortable with, that's what I say.


You look great bald AND with the scarves, so you should just go with what feels right! You did a good job explaining how your new look represents the real you.

It's funny. Once the big things that we PLAN for happen--marriage, houses, the kids...we think we've arrived, that we're "done." We're grown up! But it appears that we're never done growing up--life keeps happening to us and we've got to keep growing. And even when it's scary and sometimes sad, I think it's a good thing.

I've always liked EVERY Sarah that I knew, but you continue to grow into a wonderful person!


I had thyroid cancer three years ago and told my cancer counselor that I didn't feel I had the right to say I had cancer because I didn't have chemo, because it was the easiest cancer around.

After reading what you wrote, it brought me to tears. The change anyone goes through during any kind of cancer where surgery is involved goes through such a metamorphosis. No one can prepare you for the journey you will take.

This I've learned. I hope that today you have a great day and all of the tomorrows to come that they continue to be blessed and joyful...

Alice C

What courageous and positive words. That inner strength will carry you on the difficult days.

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