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May 07, 2008



Cute picture. Have a fun day!


Glad you're feeling better. A happy day (might be Thursday by the time you read this) to you, too.


What a lovely scene. I came over from Mollycoddle -I'm new to blogging too. Glad to hear you are feeling better today.

Gerry stryjewski

You and your family are a story in itself. God be with you and thank you for sharing such a warm and loving story. God will shine down on you for helping so many people who can't handle this dread disease.

Dawn Kuessner


Your website is truely Inspirational and a learning experience. I think reading your challenges makes everyone see daily life in a whole different aspect. Each day of your life is captured in pictures and your most inner thoughts. Stay strong and positive and you will get through this phase in your life and move onto so many wonderful times ahead. I am sorry we have not been in touch lately, but you and your family have been in my thoughts. Once school lets out lets try to get the girls together. Take care
The Kuessner Family

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