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March 18, 2008



Good for you for being persistant! I didn't realize how many of us are ignored because of our age/no bc history etc. I was lucky (as lucky as you can be having cancer and all) that nobody ignored me. Thanks for posting your story. :)


Wow. That's quite a story. God certainly had your back that day in surgery! How lucky to live near a Breast Center.

I think you might feel better (panic attack wise) once yo start chemo. The anticipation (or lack there of) always makes things worse. Once I started chemo I finally felt like I was taking control of something. How is your mastectomy recovery going otherwise?


You tell 'em, girl!

I love this.

Thanks for putting your story out there. It does make a difference, and I bet the woman who needs to see it will.

And chemo, while sucking, is not the end of the world. You may not even notice a difference after your first couple. After the next, you will be tired. You will be bald. But ... you will still be your kids' mom.

They will rally and get through this. Remember, hon, it's you they love. Not your hair.

Heidi Zeigler

Oh Sarah- I have read your email today and I went on to your blog to see what kind of cancer you had to begin with. I am so sorry! I am 4 weeks post masectemy-bi lateral with sentinal lymp nodes. I am now cancer free...but not feeling too excited after reading your news. I will have you in my prayers Sarah. You can do this! XO Heidi Outre Beauty Bistro

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